How To Use LinkedIn To Market Your Business
When you own your own business, you have to be relentless with your marketing tactics. If people don’t know your company exists, it’s going to be very difficult for you to keep it going. A great way to promote your business involves the use of social media. Social media marketing is one of the most powerful forms of digital marketing. LinkedIn is the professional social media platform. If you’re looking to make connections in specific fields, it’s a really great idea to try LinkedIn marketing. If you’re unsure of how to start, consider these five tips to help you with LinkedIn marketing.
1. Be strategic with your friend requests.
Decide who you’d like to be in touch with on LinkedIn. Consider your customers, potential audience and colleagues. Think about the mentors you’d like to have as well. Make sure that you’re intentional about sending the right friend requests. When you send the friend requests and they accept, your sphere of influence widens as you’ll be allowed to request certain friends within their circles.
2. Leave insightful comments on the content in your news feed.
Social media is all about being social. It’s not a one-sided conversation. Make sure that you open up and share with others. At the same time, acknowledge when others share with you. Each day, take fifteen minutes to comment on the different articles people share on their news feeds. Allow that to spark conversation. If you leave really valuable comments on high-profile pages, this will bring you more visibility as well.
3. Utilize the publishing platform.
Blogs are really powerful because they allow you to share your expertise with the world. A blog also allows you to establish your own platform with awesomely curated content. You can update your LinkedIn blog once a week or more often. As you consistently share valuable information, make sure to use keywords. When people are looking for information on a specific topic, they can put the keywords into Google and your content will pop up.
4. Acknowledge work anniversaries and birthdays.
It might sound trivial, but remember that you are working with people. Your clients and potential customers are people. Everyone has a birthday and a work anniversary. Thankfully, LinkedIn has a feature that reminds you when one of your LinkedIn friends has a birthday or a work anniversary. Take the time to extend birthday wishes. When you acknowledge and celebrate that person’s special day, it means a lot. Always remember the power of wishing a person well. It’ll take you far in life.
5. Optimize your profile.
Use your profile to showcase your background and expertise. It’s also wise to use it as a way to showcase your connections and qualifications. Share your professional resume. Highlight your professional strengths and allow others to confirm that. Always update your profile with all of your incredible accomplishments and accolades. While it can easily feel like you’re bragging, you’re simply offering social validation for your professional abilities. Most people do their research before they hire people for specific jobs. Make it easy for your customer base by being up-front, professional and current.
As you continue to develop your digital marketing strategies, understand that it’s a process that will always evolve. Don’t be afraid to listen to podcasts and learn more about how to perfectly optimize your LinkedIn profile for public consumption and increased business.